Tickets4Bus and Tickets4Trains is a software solution to search for the best available ticket.
Multi-Modal Results
We are not only searching for Buses! We can search also for other long-haul or mid-distance offerings from Train and Airlines.
Search in different ticket classes and categories
We do not search only for adult prices. We explicitely can search in all ticket classes. So this will give the suer the best experience, when it comes to a family journey with kids or elderly people, which may enjoy special tariffs.
Modules combined give the best journey
We help to plan a journey in fact from door to door. Including short-haul local search, combined with suitable long-haul legs.
Apps and fully responsive web sites
We offer our soulutions as responsive web sites or as apps for Android or iOS.
HW-Ventures are experts for innovative software solutions for the travel and transport industry.
Dashboard to manage the entire operation
Extensive features are integrated already in Tickets4Bus or Tickets4Trains. Customizatin can be done as our design in in Java and fully modular.
Mobile Apps
We have mobile apps made for Android as well as for iOS. Further we have kiosk version, suitable to provide to re-sellers. An ideal solution for ticket sales in smaller retail outlets.